Tuesday 4 May 2010

Orange Reformation cannot be appeased

Orange Reformation and its internet claims that undermine the worth and work of the Institution for its own sectional interests, cannot be appeased.

No group should be allowed to exist that has the objective to sew discontent, and to take pleasure in doing what we regard as conduct alien to, and hurtful of the Institution.

Action must be taken to prevent this group, or any other Orangeman, from saying words and taking actions, which bring the Order to division and disrepute.

There are disciplinary rules in the Institution to deal with this situation. They must be used or it will suffer grievously from negative judgements and public distaste.

We have to see ourselves as others see us and move to ensure that the Order is what it claims to be a Christian organisation, positive in its commitments to the Christian faith and valuable in its place and purpose in society.

This matter must be dealt with expeditiously, for it is of deep concern to us now and promises to be more worrisome for the future well being of the Orange Institution.

Past experiences have taught us that we must not try to mediate with, or accommodate to, the aims, attitudes and aspirations of those who are set to advance their own agenda which is contrary to that of the Institution as a whole.

It is better to lose Orange Reformation members, than to allow their contrary views in order to retain them. “ An empty house is better than a bad tenant”

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